On Sunday, 12 August 2012 at 08:43:53 UTC, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
On 11-08-2012 20:54, Thiez wrote:
On Saturday, 11 August 2012 at 17:15:21 UTC, Norbert Nemec wrote:
On 11.08.2012 18:13, bearophile wrote:

Thanks! I thought modulo should alawys yield the same ... seems like I
was wrong ;)

It's C design that's wrong.

And it's the processor design that makes it inefficient to correct it

Python's definition of modulo is far more useful than C's. Implemented in machine code, however, it takes several additional commands because the integer division is hardwired to the C definition. I guess that hardware integer division in processors became popular only when C was
already widely in use.

A few extra instructions (a CMOV followed by ADD should suffice, yes?) seems like a small price to pay if it can prevent bugs. Why hasn't the Python-modulo been made the default back when D was designed? The ever-so-slightly more efficient C-modulo could be provided in a library.
Of course it's way too late to change it now...

Keep in mind that not all CPUs have cmov, so you end up having to branch based on whether the CPU has it or not.

I think the following trick would work even on the 80386 (386+ should have the SETcc instructions): assume divident in AEX, divisor in EBX or ECX (not EDX, obviously). I'll assume it's in EBX.
 CDQ // sign extend EAX to EDX:EAX
 IDIV EBX // signed division
 XOR EAX,EAX // clear EAX
 BT EDX,31 // check if sign-bit of remainder is set
 SETNC AL // AL = (EDX negative ? 0 : 1)
 DEC AEX // EAX = (EDX negative ? 0xFFFF : 0)
 AND EAX,EBX // EAX = (EDX negative ? EBX : 0)
 ADD EDX,EAX // EAX = the correct modulo result

Obviously it's less appealing than a CMOV, but it should work (in theory, I didn't test it...) and perhaps someone smarter could make it even shorter. Apart form the IDIV, all instructions should take only a single clock cycle on most x86s as far as I'm aware.

As for other CPU architectures, perhaps those actually have a 'sane' modulo operator, which would make the hypothetical presence or absence of a CMOV irrelevant :)

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