On 8/12/2012 6:38 PM, F i L wrote:
Also, and I'm not sure this isn't just me, but I ran a DMD (v2.057 T think)
vector test (no simd) against Mono C# a few moths back where DMD got only ~10 ms
improvement over C# (~79ms vs ~88ms). Now a similar test compiled with DMD 2.060
runs at ~22ms vs C#'s 80ms, so I believe there's been some definite optimization
improvements in the internal DMD compiler over the last few version.

There's a fair amount of low hanging optimization fruit that D makes possible that dmd does not take advantage of. I hope to get to this.

One thing is I suspect that D can generate much better SIMD code than C/C++ can without compiler extensions.

Another is that D allows values to be moved without needing a copyconstruct/destruct operation.

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