On Thursday, 16 August 2012 at 14:58:23 UTC, R Grocott wrote:

The above blog post, written in 2009, proposes a system for solving the Fragile ABI Problem in D. Just wondering whether anything like this is a planned feature for druntime.

C++'s fragile ABI makes it very difficult to write class libraries without some sort of workaround. For example, RapidXML and AGG are distributed as source code; GDI+ is a header-only wrapper over an underlying C interface; and Qt makes heavy use of the Pimpl idiom, which makes its source code much more complex than it needs to be. This is also a major problem for any program which wants to expose a plugin API.

It would be nice if D could sidestep this issue. It's frustrating that C is currently the only real option for developing native libraries without worrying about their ABI.

The is only so, because in most mainstream OSs, the C ABI is the OS ABI.

If you make use of an OS written in, lets say Modula-2, then the OS ABI would be a Modula-2 ABI, which even C would have to comply to somehow.

I think z/OS, if I'm not mistaken on the OS, is one of the few OS where
you have a good ABI across multiple languages.

This is similar to what Microsoft somehow tries to achieve with COM and .NET.


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