On Friday, 17 August 2012 at 21:33:28 UTC, Mehrdad wrote:
On Friday, 17 August 2012 at 21:25:31 UTC, Jesse Phillips wrote:
On Friday, 17 August 2012 at 01:51:38 UTC, Mehrdad wrote:
If you did, then the code would be invalid, and the compiler could simply format your C: drive instead of modifying the object.

This is probably the worst discussion point when people talk of why undefined behavior is bad.

I recommend reading these (all three, not just the first one), if you haven't already:


He did not make his case on what of undefined behavior allows him to format your hard drive. Instead it just gives some good examples for what I am talking about.

void contains_null_check(int *P) {
  int dead = *P; // Compiler sees dereference
if (P == 0) // Dereference indicates that you can't reach here if null
  *P = 4;

At no point does the compiler know you have enacted undefined behavior. Why? because does not have the information and is not permitted to insert extra information that when P is null do...

It is true in that you won't know what happens when in an
undefined state, but it is false in that, if it formats your C
drive then ~you'd have to be running Windows~, that would be
defined behavior and the spec would have said "Implementation

No, you're completely missing the point.
"Implementation defined" and "undefined" are different terms, defined in the C++ standard. Go look them up. (I used to think like you as well, until I was corrected.)

I am not missing the point, though it seems there is also "Unspecified"


I am in agreement that the behavior of executing the code could be a formating of the hard drive. However I do not agree that it is the compiler which can cause this to happen an still conform to the specification. There are other aspects to the specification that would restrict the compilers ability to insert arbitrary code. Undefined behavior is usually identifiable at runtime, the compiler only has compile time information.

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