On Monday, 20 August 2012 at 18:37:00 UTC, R Grocott wrote:
On Monday, 20 August 2012 at 15:26:48 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
What you ask for sounds quite similar to COM composition with delegation.

Would anybody mind linking to resources which describe COM composition with delegation? It's been suggested twice in this thread as an alternative way to develop a non-fragile API, but anything related to COM is almost invisible to search engines (even moreso than D itself).

You just need to know Windows development well, as this type of information requires MSDN navigation skills. :)

The best book about COM programming that I know is,
The Waite Group's COM/DCOM Primer Plus

Back to how composition works,

With ATL the code gets much more simple to get,

Another example from CodeGuru,

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