On Monday, 27 August 2012 at 20:22:47 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
On Monday, 27 August 2012 at 14:53:57 UTC, F i L wrote:
in C#, you use 'new Type()' for both classes and structs, and it works fine. In fact, it has some benefit with generic programming. Plus, it's impossible to completely get away from having to understand the type, even in C++/D today, because we can always make factory functions:

I'm sure in C# that all structs and classes are heap allocated (It takes after C++ very likely) that's the simplest way to do it. You can do that in C++ as well, but other than having to declare it a pointer first. In C++ they made structs 'classes that are public by default' by it's definition I believe. Considering how C++ is set up that makes perfect sense.

You're mistaken as FiL pointed out. "new" is simply not a heap allocation operator in C#, it is a creation operator. Structs in C# are allocated on the stack or embedded in another object (on the stack or on the heap). "new X()" creates a new value of type X, which could be a struct on the stack or a class on the heap.

I like the way C# works in this regard because the way X is allocated is an implementation detail that is hidden from clients. If the type X is immutable, then I can freely change it from struct to class or vice versa without affecting clients that use X. (Mind you if X is mutable, the difference is visible to clients since x1 = x2 copies X itself, not a reference to X.)

Plus as mentioned, generic code can use "new T()" without caring what kind of type T is.

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