On Tuesday, 28 August 2012 at 22:53:46 UTC, bearophile wrote:
The purpose of this post of mine is to compare a nice looking Haskell solution of this problem to its Python/D translation. This means this post is about language design matters and it's not about problem solving :-)


There is a significant problem:
- This program generates a small sequence of solutions, so lazyness is not important. But sometimes the algoritms have to generate tons of things, and lazyness becomes useful. This D program is not lazy, unlike the Haskell and Python programs. Writing this program with lazyness is not too much hard, but the code becomes uglier, longer and more bug prone. I think C# designers did the right thing adding yield to their language, because it's a construct very often useful.

In general, it is not possible to have both full expressiveness and full performance. D gains most of its performance by early binding as much as possible. You can delay binding by using the InputRange!T interfaces in D to get a similar level of expressiveness as in Haskell or Python, but you lose some performance.

Yield is interesting, a nice way of turning an algorithm into a data structure. However, I imagine it would be very tricky to implement in D with various lifetime issues, although maybe I'm wrong. What I do know is that it is far too big a feature to be adding at this stage in D2.

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