I disagree that it would be useful.
In C# it is useful because pointers that used a lot less than in D.

Consider this:

void f(ref int x)

int x = 5;
f(ref x); // good, passed by reference

void g(int* p)

int x = 5;
g(&x); // passed by reference as well, but it is not explicit like before. You don't even know if it's a const pointer if you don't read the function's signature.

So someone has this cool idea which is also present in some other programming language and thinks it would be nice to add it to D. That's not how it works. Then come the problem with things not properly designed etc etc.

Anyway, who needs to see f(ref x) when you can put your mouse above the function call and see its declaration? All modern IDEs support that - and I don't think C# guys use plain text editors.

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