On Tue, 18 Sep 2012 09:21:38 -0400
Andrei Alexandrescu <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote:

> On 9/18/12 8:53 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> > I never ever ever accidentally call someone when the phone is in my
> > pocket, because it gets locked when I'm done with it. In fact, I
> > never accidentally do *anything* on my iPhone. Never happened with
> > my flip-phone either, but certainly the capacitive touch screen has
> > not reintroduced that problem for those who are willing to learn
> > how to use them.
> Yes!
> > These rants are absolutely hilarious. It's like saying you hate
> > calculators because you can't slide the buttons like on your abacus.
> I thought I'm alone in thinking so. To me these rants are eery - I
> can't recognize in them one single problem I've actually experienced.

But I'm sure you're aware just because you haven't had any such
problem doesn't mean others haven't.

Honestly, I've never had stray "In my pocket" behaviors on the iPhone
or the Android, either. Their lock system *is* effective at that, at

Actually, it's a little too effective: It's impossible to reach down
into my pocket and adjust the volume because it plain refuses to *let*
me adjust the volume without taking it out, pushing "Lock" or "Home",
sliding the touch-slider, and *then* using the damn volume buttons -
which *still* don't even do what I want most of the time. And there's
a ton of other issues I have had with the devices, like poor accuracy
(because my fingers aren't <=1mm in diameter and the damn thing won't
even register touches from anything that's actually more accurate).

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