On 23/09/12 22:40, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I discussed this with Walter, and we concluded that we could deprecate
the comma operator if it helps tuples. So I started with this:


Unfortunately, I started much cockier than I ended. The analysis in
there fails to construct a case even half strong that deprecating the
comma operator could significantly help tuples. Well it essentially
concludes that tuples are mostly fine as they are, and attempts to
embellish them syntactically are marred with unexpected problems.
Nevertheless, I sure have missed aspects all over, so contributions are



Regarding the comma operator: I'd love to deprecate it, but even if we don't, could we at least ensure that this kind of rubbish doesn't compile:

void main()
  int x;
  x > 0, x += 5;

At present, because comma expressions are expressions, not statements, the "x > 0" doesn't generate a "statement has no effect" error, despite the fact that it is meaningless and gets completely discarded.

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