On Wednesday, 26 September 2012 at 23:02:45 UTC, Piotr Szturmaj wrote:
Jonathan M Davis wrote:
It sounds to me like the reason that structural typing is needed is because Tuple allows you to name its fields, which I've always thought was a bad idea, and which a built-in tuple definitely wouldn't do. If you couldn't name its fields, then any Tuple containing the same sequence of types would be the same type. So, the problem is caused by a feature that built-in tuples wouldn't
even have.

Exactly my PoV. I think that "tuples with named fields" should be anonymous structs and pure tuples shouldn't have named fields.

I agree.
Tuples do *not* have field names. (I'm also not sure they should support slicing either). structural compound types with field names are called "records" in FP and they are a completely separate concept from tuples. We really should not conflate the two and I agree that nameless structs are the perfect vehicle to support record types.

One of D's strongest design decisions was to separate structs from classes which is a huge win. Why do we want to go back on that with regards to this very similar use case?

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