Am Mon, 01 Oct 2012 19:18:46 +0200
schrieb Jacob Carlborg <>:

> On 2012-10-01 17:06, Johannes Pfau wrote:
> > the problem is that we don't want the C main function in a shared
> >, because you might want to use in a
> > C/C++ app which has it's own main function.
> >
> > So we currently don't link in dmain2.o into the shared library and
> > it must be included manually when linking an application.
> > (But dmain2 also contains some stuff that really should be in
> >, so this source file should probably be split up at
> > some time.)
> I'm not sure if I follow this correctly or not, but why is this
> needed to be handled manually? If you pass "-shared" to the compiler
> just skip linking dmain2.o, otherwise link with it. Would that work?

Yes something similar would work, it's just not yet implemented.

GDC should detect if we're linking against a shared druntime and then
it should automatically add dmain2.o to the linker command.

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