Manu wrote:
These are indeed common gotchas. But they don't necessarily apply to D, and if they do, then they should be bugged and hopefully addressed. There is no reason that D needs to follow these typical performance patterns from C. It's worth noting that not all C compilers suffer from this problem. There are many (most actually) compilers that can recognise a struct with a single member and treat it as if it were an instance of that member
directly when being passed by value.
It only tends to be a problem on older games-console compilers.

As I said earlier. When I get back to finishing srd.simd off (I presume this will be some time after Walter has finished Win64 support), I'll go through and scrutinise the code-gen for the API very thoroughly. We'll see what that reveals. But I don't think there's any reason we should suffer the same legacy C by-value code-gen problems in D... (hopefully I won't eat
those words ;)

Thanks for the insight (and the code examples, though I've been researching SIMD best-practice in C recently). It's good to know that D should (hopefully) be able to avoid these pitfalls.

On a side note, I'm not sure how easy LLVM is to build on Windows (I think I built it once a long time ago), but recent performance comparisons between DMD, LDC, and GDC show that LDC (with LLVM 3.1 auto-vectorization and not using GCC -ffast-math) actually produces on-par-or-faster binary compared to GDC, at least in my code on Linux64. SIMD in LDC is currently broken, but you might consider using that if you're having trouble keeping a D release compiler up-to-date.

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