On Monday, 1 October 2012 at 12:28:33 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Our results from 14 Java applications indicates that 72-82% of fields are stationary<

programmers are sometimes forced (or voluntarily choose) to initialise fields late (i.e. after the constructor has completed). This prevents such fields from being marked final even when they are designed to be immutable.<


The programmer intends that every Parent has a Child and vice-versa and, furthermore, that these do not change for the life of the program. He/she has marked the eld Parent.child as nal in an e ort to enforce this. However, he/she is unable to mark the eld Child.parent as nal because one object must be constructed before the other.<

I have noticed this myself.

While the cyclic reference thing does cause this every now and then, I actually find that the main cause (in large programs) is the unavailability of the constructor arguments.

For example, you want to construct system X, which needs system Y, but system Y hasn't been constructed or initialised yet. In a small program, you just pull the construction of Y before X. In a large program, construction of these things is all indirect, through factories, driven by data files, which in turn is driven by some other system. The easiest thing to do is just to make the system Y reference mutable, and set it later when you know they're both around.

I also find that a lot of it is simply because it's easier to not type 'final' or 'const' :-) Immutability by default would certainly make things interesting.

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