Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
I'm starting to contribute to DMD by fixing some bugs, but I need to
run the test-suite. Anyone know how this is done on win32? There's a
makefile in the test dir but what I don't know is if I need to set up
my directory structure in any special way?

It's GNU makefile.

You need:

1. MinGW
2. unzip.exe (I use this one: - it must be in the PATH env. var.


3. copy your modified dmd.exe to x:\dmd\windows\bin (this is the most straightforward way)
4. run MinGW and cd to /x/dmd/src/dmd/test
5. make DMD=/x/dmd/windows/bin/dmd

where x is your drive letter.

By default make runs all tests, but you can select smaller area with these targets:


for example: make run_compilable_tests DMD=/x/dmd/windows/bin/dmd

After all, use make clean to delete test results.

P.S. I couldn't manage to run the tests without copying the dmd. Without a copy I constantly encountered missing object.d file errors, even if I set correct paths to druntime/import.

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