On Friday, 5 October 2012 at 04:50:18 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Friday, October 05, 2012 05:42:03 Alex Burton wrote:
I realise what is currently the case I am making an argument as
to why I this should be changed (at least for class references in

This was talking about C++ references, not D, giving an example of how they can be null even though most people think that they can't be. int& isn't even
legal syntax in D.

I was talking about both. Regardless of whether the int& reference or the int * reference was used to assign to memory address 0 in Walters example the result is still a crash and will be in D with equivalent code using explicit pointers or instances of classes (which are always pointers in D).

The crash is a result of two mistakes:

One is the language designer allowing null to be an acceptable value for a pointer to an int. As should be blatently obvious that null is not a pointer to an int, but for historical reasons inherited from C (when people were just happy to get out of assembly language) it has been allowed.

The second mistake is that someone chose to use the language feature which clearly makes no sense.
This is bad programming for two reasons:
1) It is logically incorrect to state that 0 is a pointer to something. 2) It is a case of using magic numbers in code - an antipattern. It is trying to create some universal consensus that the magic number 0 means something special. What I am supposed to do with a null pointer is not so universal. Do I construct it ? Do I throw an exception ? Why on earth has someone sent me this 0 when my type system specifies I want a pointer to an int ?

Regardless, references in D will _never_ be non-nullable. It would break too much code to change it now regardless of whether nullable or non-nullable is

I don't think this argument is any more powerful than any of the other 'lets remain compatible with C to avoid breakage' ones.

If it were changed there could be compiler errors for uninitialised references, and tests for null. These sorts of compile time errors are much more preferable than undefined behaviour in released code that crashes IMHO.


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