On Sunday, 7 October 2012 at 10:04:57 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
What are the possibilities of struct polymorphism? What would be the issues with it? What if we wanted to use it in a limited sense?

Currently I'm experimenting with it since classes are too bulky for what I need, yet I really need some type of behavior/dynamic polymorphism. So far I have a working model. It takes the following limitations:

A question of efficiency comes up. If at compile-time we can confirm only a couple branches/possibilities, then only those are considered during run-time. During optimization is that code just inlined to where it is called rather than the jump to opDispatch? Seems like it should if it's small enough, especially if there's only 1 possibility.

Now I guess a question out there for you all. Who would be interested in an implementation and how would you use it? Does it seem like a good idea? How many levels would you want to use? One? Several levels allowing class-like inheritance?

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