On 10/14/2012 12:19 PM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
Because you are now no longer able to do stuff like this:

void log(...)
   auto t = _arguments[0];
   while(some condition)
     t = t.next();

To be actually able to use TypeInfo.next you will now need the ConstRef
(hack) from phobos. Afaik there is no such thing in druntime which makes
working with TypeInfo.next within druntime a real pita.

That's the general problem of non-rebindable const references which is a real pita. There has been a pull request to implement it (https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/pull/3) but unfortunately it never made it into the compiler.

Any suggestions?

You could create a recursive function hoping for tail-recursion-optimization and inlining:

void log(...)
   static const(TypeInfo) drillInto(const(TypeInfo) t)
      if(some condition)
        return drillInto(t.next());
      return t;
   auto t = drillInto(_arguments[0]);

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