On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 08:25:18 UTC, Tommi wrote:
in reality, it's very easy to write a bug that makes an enum variable have an invalid value. E.g:

Writing that bug wasn't as easy as I thought though. Here's the code with a bug:

enum MyEnum { first, second, third }

auto me = MyEnum.min;

while (me <= MyEnum.max)
    // do something

final switch (me) // this should throw
case MyEnum.first:  break;
case MyEnum.second: break;
case MyEnum.third:  break;

Instead, currently this code runs just fine, none of the switch cases are taken. So, this bug might manifest itself very far from where it actually should have been throwing: on that final switch expression. Thus hunting this bug down could be tedious.

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