On 10/15/12 12:52 PM, Gerry Weaver wrote:
Hello All,

Thanks again for helping me get going with D!

I been looking around a little and noticed that there are packages for
CMake, Qt, and there is vibe.d. If I would have realized the existence
of these earlier, D would have been much higher on my list of things to
check out in depth. Someone should make mention of these on the main D
language web page. Some type of a package showcase with code snippets
etc. They represent the possibility to build end to end cross-platform
solutions with a great build tool to boot. I had no idea things had
progressed this far. It makes a BIG difference. I would think this would
go a long way to convince the casual browser to dig deeper. I was just
thinking how interesting it would have been, if Google had decided to
dedicate their considerable resources to D, instead of rolling their own
language. Then again, it looks like D is ready for some serious
development. When I think about the latest C++ abomination, the timing
couldn't be better. I'm going to be dedicating some time to get up to
speed. Many thanks to those that put in the hard work to get D to this


Thanks for pursuing the installation issue and for your suggestion. I, too, think we should collect a short list of good D projects and feature them on dlang.org. If anyone would like to start designing and integrating such a page, please make the pull request and let's talk!


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