I think we need something like these in Phobos -- I was quite surprised that I didn't find these in Phobos. They're really handy in Python.

auto groupby(alias Key = k => k, alias Value = v => v, alias Equal = (a, b) => a == b, R)(R range)
        if (isInputRange!(R))
        struct GroupBy
                alias typeof(Key(R.init.front)) TKey;
                R r;
                @property bool empty() { return this.r.empty; }
                void popFront()
                        auto k = Key(this.r.front);
                        while (!this.r.empty && Equal(k, Key(this.r.front)))
                        { this.r.popFront(); }
                @property auto front()
                        TKey k = Key(this.r.front);
                        struct Grouper
                                TKey k;
                                R r;
                                @property bool empty()
                                { return this.r.empty || !Equal(this.k, 
Key(this.r.front)); }
                                void popFront() { this.r.popFront(); }
                                @property auto front()
                                { return Value(this.r.front); }
                        return Grouper(k, this.r);
                static if (isForwardRange!(R))
{ @property typeof(this) save() { return typeof(this)(this.r.save()); } }
        return GroupBy(range);

auto dict(R)(R range)
        ElementType!(R)[typeof(ElementType!(R).init[0])] result;
        foreach (t; range) { result[t[0]] = t /* or t[1]? */; }
        return result;

auto sorted(alias F = q{a < b}, SwapStrategy S = SwapStrategy.unstable, R)(R range)
        auto arr = range.array();
        arr.sort!(F, S)();
        return arr;


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