On Tue, 16 Oct 2012 01:42:07 -0500, Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> wrote:

On 2012-10-16 01:33, 1100110 wrote:

Also the names of the particular fields do not have to match exactly.
In a few C projects, you will find a field with the name 'version' which
is a D keyword.

It seems to work just fine if you simply change it to 'ver' on similar.

Take a look at the deimos project to see a few examples in action.
(Also please attempt to get it into deimos if that is what you are
thinking about.)

For structs the size only need to be the same. Depending on how you operate on the struct the size of the individual fields, alignment and padding should match as well.

That's what I suspected, but It's nice to know that for a fact.
Thank you.
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