On 01/01/12 13:50, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 01/01/2012 10:40 AM, Denis Shelomovskij wrote:
So, I'm a function `f`, I have an `immutable(type)[]` argument and I
want to store it for my friend `g` in an TLS variable `v`:
string v;
debug string sure;

void f(string s) { v = s; debug sure = s.idup; }
void g() { assert(v == sure); }
I also store a copy of `s` into `sure` for my friend to ensure immutable
date hasn't been mutated.
Can my friend's assertion ever fail without breaking a type-system?
Sure. Just consider this:
void main() {
auto s = "abba".idup;
delete s;
Is it by-design? Looks like deleting immutable (and const because of
implicit conversion) data should be prohibited.
OK. Let `delete` be fixed. Can we still fail?
void h() {
immutable(char)[4] s = "abba";
void main() {
Damn! So, what can we do with it? Not sure, but I have a proposal.

Fix it in language:
* disallow `delete` of const/immutable data
* disallow immutable data on the stack

This makes data really immutable if I don't miss something. Anyway, I
want `immutable` qualified data to be immutable without breaking a
type-system (if one do it, its his own responsibility), so some changes
should be made (IMHO).

You are using unsafe language features to break the type system. That is
not the fault of the type system.

'@safe:' at the top of the program should stop both examples from
working, it is a bug that it does not.

That's the point -- *which* checks are missing from @safe?
But I'm not sure that you're right, this looks broken to me, even without @safe.

What does it mean to create immutable data on the stack? The stack is intrinsically mutable!
What does it mean to delete immutable data?
I think it's reasonable for both of them to require a cast, even in @system code.

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