Al 17/10/12 14:03, En/na Manu ha escrit:
> why include/d2? include/d/ seems much better... what are the chances a 
> library have both a d1 and d2 version which may conflict in include/d?

A practical example:
Imagine that you installs the libray "foo" for D, and places the sources at 
"/usr/include/d/foo" directory, so you need to add "-I/usr/include/d" as 
compiler argument.

In Debian/Ubuntu there is the "libtango-headers" package, which install, among 
others, "/usr/include/d/object.di". This Tango "object.di" breaks d2, so you 
will not be able to compile anything with the "-I/usr/include/d" argument, and 
so, you cannot compile against your "foo" library.

The problem here is that the "libtango-headers" maintainer decided to place 
"object.di" directly into "/usr/include/d", overriding to use this directory 
for any other D compiler/version.

Jordi Sayol

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