
I realize that this has been discussed before, but so far there is no solution and this really needs to be a high priority:

We need a way for a function to declare that it doesn't want it's argument to be copied, but it also doesn't care whether the argument is an rvalue or an lvalue.

The C++ way of doing this would be to declare the argument as a const &. Apparently it is not desired that we do the same thing for const ref.

Currently, if you want that behavior, you have to write 2^n permutations of your function, with n being the number of arguments that the function takes.

Here's my attempt at passing a struct to a function that takes three arguments without the struct being copied:

int copyCounter = 0;
struct CopyCounter
    this(this) { ++copyCounter; }
void takeThree(ref in CopyCounter a, ref in CopyCounter b, ref in CopyCounter c)
    writeln("took three");
void takeThree(in CopyCounter a, ref in CopyCounter b, ref in CopyCounter c)
    takeThree(a, b, c);
void takeThree(ref in CopyCounter a, in CopyCounter b, ref in CopyCounter c)
    takeThree(a, b, c);
void takeThree(ref in CopyCounter a, ref in CopyCounter b, in CopyCounter c)
    takeThree(a, b, c);
void takeThree(in CopyCounter a, in CopyCounter b, ref in CopyCounter c)
    takeThree(a, b, c);
void takeThree(in CopyCounter a, ref in CopyCounter b, in CopyCounter c)
    takeThree(a, b, c);
void takeThree(ref in CopyCounter a, in CopyCounter b, in CopyCounter c)
    takeThree(a, b, c);
void takeThree(in CopyCounter a, in CopyCounter b, in CopyCounter c)
    takeThree(a, b, c);
static CopyCounter createCopyCounter()
    return CopyCounter();
void main()
    CopyCounter first;
    CopyCounter second;
    CopyCounter third;
    takeThree(first, second, third);
    takeThree(createCopyCounter(), second, createCopCounter());
    assert(copyCounter == 0); // yay, works

My propsed solution is this:
- Make functions that take "ref in" arguments also accept rvalues.
- The user can still provide an overload that accepts an rvalue, using the "in" keyword, and that one will be preferred over the "ref in" version.

What do you think?


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