On 22 October 2012 20:41, H. S. Teoh <hst...@quickfur.ath.cx> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 09:15:01PM +0200, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
>> On 10/22/2012 08:14 PM, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
>> >It is, and has been for months.
>> The upstream source is up to date, but there are no packaged
>> versions that I'm aware of and building it from source on a
>> Debian/Ubuntu system has proven somewhat tricky (not just for me,
>> see current d.gnu discussion).
>> Not demanding a solution, just saying. :-)
> I've managed to build git GDC on Debian unstable (64-bit), and have just
> added the instructions to:
>         http://gdcproject.org/wiki/Installation
> I used the gdc-4.7 branch of GDC git, which unfortunately has a bug in
> the update-gcc.sh script, so your best bet is to checkout my fixed fork:
>         https://github.com/quickfur/GDC/tree/gdc-4.7-update-fix
> I've submitted a pull request for the fork, but that was only today, so
> it probably won't get committed until a bit later.
> If you want, I can send you the build script I have, that contains all
> the commands (well, hopefully all) to unpack, patch, and build the
> Debian GCC sources (patched with GDC, of course). If all goes well, it
> should provide you with a working GDC. :)
> This is only the gdc-4.7 branch, though; git master isn't building on my
> system because the gcc build script mistakes Walter's pathological
> naming of C++ source files with a .c extension for actual C code, which
> causes it to invoke the wrong compiler and produce reams and reams of
> compile errors before dying miserably. I'm still trying to figure out
> how to fix this.

It shoudln't be doing that - I would instead question what revision of
GCC you are currently using.  As it's switch to C++ as the default
compiler around 2 months ago.

Iain Buclaw

*(p < e ? p++ : p) = (c & 0x0f) + '0';

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