On Saturday, 27 October 2012 at 03:33:37 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 04:11:02AM +0200, RenatoUtsch wrote:
On Friday, 26 October 2012 at 22:15:13 UTC, Rob T wrote:
>At this point I'm considering looking at those old build tools
>written in D, perhaps I can patch one of them up to get it to >do
>what I want.
>If anyone has a suggestion as to which of the (I think) 2 or 3
>build tools coded in D looked the best, that would be >appreciated.

I am currently learning more D to design a new one, that should
really end the need for other ones. If you can wait 1 or 2 months
for an alpha release...

If anyone has any suggestion, I would be thankful.

If you're going to write a new build tool, you should at least take a
look at some of the ideas and concepts in tup:


Do take some time to read the PDF under "additional info"; it is very
insightful and contains some possibly revolutionary algorithms.
just reinvent the same old broken system that make was 30 years ago,
just with different packaging and eye-candy.

(Caveat: I've never used tup before. I just read up on it today, and was quite impressed by some of the innovations. Even if you decide to take another approach, you should at least be aware of what's cutting-edge these days so that you aren't just rehashing the same old stuff.)


Tup has some interesting concepts, maybe I can adapt them to my project.

But I was thinking in making something more authomatized, like CMake or SCons but with tons of innovations.

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