On Monday, 29 October 2012 at 22:57:41 UTC, Brad Roberts wrote:
On Mon, 29 Oct 2012, Isak Andersson wrote:

Hello D-folks!

I was just wondering if it would be possible to make DMD build out of the box for Haiku (haiku-os.org) with the source from the official DMD repo. Haiku is pretty darn POSIX compliant so the actual porting isn't much of a problem. DMD has ran on Haiku before a while ago and shouldn't have any problem doing it now. From what I hear from the Haiku community it was just to add a bunch of
ifeq Haiku and stuff to make it build and run fine.

What I want though is to get these things in to the main source of DMD, applying patches and stuff like that is a pain, it is so much better to just be able to clone and build without problems. So what I wanted to ask is: would Digital Mars accept a pull request to make DMD build on Haiku to their main branch on Github? I just wanted to know for sure before I go ahead and fork
DMD to do this.


Is someone in the haiku community willing to step up and keep it working?
Contribute a box to run an auto-tester client?

Unless the answers to both of the above are 'yes', then it's just about guaranteed to break again at some point. IMHO, every platform that wants
to be supported should meet that bar.

Well, I would say that I am pretty willing to do both those things. At least if I have the knowledge to do it! I'm not a 100% clear on what the second requirement means. Having a box running 24/7 that can run automated tests at any time? Or just running the tests occationally (like once or twice a week or so, or even just in time for every new DMD release)?

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