Hi Andy

Below, a copy of an Email I sent to  Barry J. Shelley, N1VXY, Chief Financial Officer and Business Manager, ARRL, Inc. on September 1 ... just a day or two after they announced their new "service".  Seems my apprehension was well grounded.


My note to Barry J. Shelley, N1VXY, Chief Financial Officer and Business Manager, ARRL, Inc

Dear Mr. Shelley

In the past, I have dropped service from several ISP's precisely because of the filters they applied to my inbound mail and which you intend to use now.

The problem is this:

One man's SPAM is another man's political correspondence.

Since I am a "left-winger",  a "freethinker",  an avowed and confirmed atheist,  and a HAM,  t'boot,  I receive a goodly volume of email that other folks might consider offensive.  Yet, I consider most of it to be thought provoking, "issue oriented", and insightful.

Since the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" address is a simple forwarding service, it is doubtful there will be any opportunity for me to "tune" the filters applied to my inbound mail.  My "GMail" account, to which your forwarding service is directed, provides those filters that are tuneable to my specific needs.   On the rare occasions when I do use "POP" mail, I have my own filters installed locally.  And, they all function quite well.  Thank you!

I have no need for you, or anyone else, to monitor the kind of mail I receive, or its source ... to decide what is fit for me to read and what is not.  I am an adult ... 63 years old.  I am more offended by your efforts to shelter me and shield me from what YOU deem to be an offensive message,  than I am by any explicit language or political invective that message may contain.  I am more offended by your efforts to shield me from "viagra" and "boob job" ads, than I am by their content.  I am more offended by your effort to shield me from the Nigerian "free money" offers, than I am by the idiot who sent me the message.   (In fact, these money offers give me more of a hard-on than the Viagra! :-)  I can do all this for myself.  I have a "delete" key.  Thank you ... but, again, NO!  Thank you!

Why is it that people will yell so loudly over what they perceive to be "SPAM" in their email, and then walk 1/2 mile to their RFD postal mailbox,  carry home an arm load of "Junk Mail" which they toss in the trash ... without a whimper ... when the expense and effort entailed in its delivery is exponentially greater than that expended on SPAM?

As to virus protections:

Much of this problem is engendered by organizations, such as the ARRL,  when they actively promote the Micro$oft computing monoculture by proclaiming in their advertisements for CD's, etc., that "Windows 98, or better is required" ... even when said CD contains nothing more than text or ".pdf" files,  all easily readable with "Open Source" systems such as Linux and BSD.  The ARRL could make a tremendous contribution to both the Ham Radio AND computing communities by promoting Open Source systems  with the same effort and energy they give to promoting the Micro$oft monolith.  Time for HAMs (at very least) to get off the M$ tit!

Thanks for the opportunity to vent ... once again


Harv Nelson, AI9NL
Washburn, Wisconsin

PS:  Just had an opportunity open and read some of my "Junk Mail" ... Thanks so much for sharing my membership and other personal information with the "US Bank National Association ND" of Fargo, ND!  What frequency do those guys use for their nets?  Hopefully, they won't sell my email addresses.  That might  make additional filtering of my emails necessary.

On 10/5/05, Andrew J. O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We have found that some of the people that use email  addresses supplied by
the ARRL, e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED] , ( an email forwarding service) are not
getting some messages. Seems that the ARRL new anti-spam program is tagging
a lot of things a spam when in fact it's not.  Those of you that use the
ARRL address to subscribe to this and simlilar lists, might want to make
sure your email is being forwarded correctly.

Andy and John

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