----- Original Message -----
From: zl1bpu
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:05 PM
Subject: [MFSK] New MFSK Mode

Yes, I thought that would get you going!

I'd like to invite computer programmers with sound card signal
processing experience (Windows or Linux) to register interest in
writing application programs for a new MFSK chat mode.

This new mode is the result of about three years of testing, and
contains in its specifications solutions to the main problems of
existing MFSK modes - tuning tolerance, drift tolerance, hard to see
tuning displays, poor latency and limited performance in multi-path
and NVIS conditions.

We have available a simple working prototype program (for Windows), a
full specification, source code and other documentation, as a
'Developer's Pack'. Please register your interest with me at

To save me being inundated with general user enquiries, let me state
here that the first working program should be released for public use
by the end of the year - it will be announced here first!


Murray ZL1BPU

Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to   telnet://

Other areas of interest:
The MixW Reflector : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/themixwgroup/

Looking for digital mode software?  This group suggests you try either :

http://www.mixw.net  MIWX (many modes)
http://f6cte.free.fr MultiPSK (many modes)
http://www.dxlab.com DXLAB (logging, PSK31/63 and more)
http://www.qsl.net/hamscope Hamscope (many modes)
http://http://xoomer.virgilio.it/aporcino/Chip64 Chip64 http://www.digipan.net/Digipan  Digipan (PSK31 and PSK63
http://www.kc4elo.com/ Logger32 (logging, PSK31/63 and RTTY)


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