No- as long as it is NOT commercial, NOT encrypted, NOT automatic to the point of operating without an operator at both ends (or has the proper software that recognizes when a frequency is in use or not), and does NOT intefere with other ongoing communications.    Why not the hambands?  Simply so that it CAN be use for all the above without intefering with amateur communications.  Yes - our bands should be available for emergency use too, when required and necessary, but I do NOT want to see them under attack from such traffic (such as constant testing) when not necessary.  Giving us frequencies adjacent to the ham allocations would allow us to use our present equipment and our present antennas, and encourage large numbers of amateurs to be involved, without having to spend additional monies in preparation of emergencies that most of us will never be involved with, except for practice. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] ARRLWeb: Army MARS Implementing Winlink 2000 with Airmail Network

Everything in blue.
And just why do you think it should be used
outside of the ham bands? Got something against
traffic handling?

At 11:39 AM 3/3/06, you wrote:
You totally disagree with what?  Both that it is a good mode to use Outside
our bands, or that is should be used outside and not inside?
You lost me on that one.

> At 10:03 AM 3/3/06, you wrote:
> >I think that is just fine, and a perfect example of where and when
> >something like Winlink could and should be used.  Outside the amateur

> >bands. If the government wants hams to be involved in emergency
> >communications they should do the same:

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