> If Linux became more popular, it might be possible to see more PSKmail
> connections that use ARQ PSK63, but I don't see that happening any time
> soon. Even though very slow, it is dramatically narrower than the Pactor
> modes and would cause much less interference to other hams.
> 73, Rick, KV9U

This is a Free turnkey Linux program with Ham apps:

The author is currently at work updating it.

This Linux program & Ham apps may be loaded on the same
PC that contains one of the Microsoft versions of windows,
so there is no reason to not use it and PSKmail.

Another option is the really neat just-released Puppy 2.0
tiny Linux.  It only uses 70megs and is a complete Free
operating system with most of the applications we all
use whether under Apple, Linux, or MS.

Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e  http://bibleseven.com
Florida Home w/Rohn 45 in concrete base & 10 acres for sale:

Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to  Telnet://cluster.dynalias.org

Other areas of interest:

The MixW Reflector : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/themixwgroup/
DigiPol: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Digipol  (band plan policy discussion)

Ham radio Craft hobby Hobby and craft supply


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