It is ironic that the FCC decision is actually much more restrictive 
than what some digital proponents were expecting.

Based on my earlier comments, I am doubtful that the FCC would reverse 
what seems to be their new concept of having narrow bandwidth areas and 
wide bandwidth areas.

What I really think has to happen, is for the FCC to realize that it 
would be a reasonable compromise to allow wide bandwith data in the wide 
bandwidth phone/image areas.

Although there is opposition by many non-digital hams, I think the main 
reason for this is that they do not realize that the signals are often 
identical sounding whether image (FAX)/digital voice/digital data. To 
highlight this, if I scan a document and send it as an image, it should 
be completely legal on the phone/image portions of the bands, but if I 
conserve on the bandwidth, and use a text based method, then it would 
not be legal.

It just seems to me that reasonable people would find this ... unreasonable.


Rick, KV9U

expeditionradio wrote:

>Wow. It appears that the FCC has actually redefined "Data" below 30MHz
>at less than 500Hz... "data" in the common way that 99% of hams send
>data using digital modes on computers and ham transceivers. 
>I've often said that the antiquated content-based FCC rules have been
>like a Technology Jail for USA hams. 
>Just when it appeared that we might be given our freedom, joining the
>rest of the world's hams using state-of-the-art HF digital
>technology...  someone at FCC just sentenced us back to the Digital
>Dark Ages. Was this cruel act done by intention or was it just a
>sloppy error? Who knows?
>15 December will be a very sad day indeed... USA hams will be sitting
>on Technology Death Row for HF data. :(
>Bonnie KQ6XA

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