>From the Russian user forum that was posted earlier, the following are a few 
bits poorly translated in to English that might make a little sense, at 
least give us a start.  I think "lighthouse" may mean beacon?  I like the 
line about the porridge best :>

Andy K3UK

Try also, 4 it only now noted that QRG 3589.

We will today test? 4 to monitor  to 3.731,5 mHz LSB

, is it's a pity. But packets no one of our does see? RN3ZF

 From the monitor of packets it cannot be copied into bufer!
.Pozovite me that in SSB or BPSK 4 to 3,731,500.

to work, audibly it is unimportant it in me, not all immediately passed 
packets. It to me did flood even faylik of 442 bytes with length, it did 
start sufficiently rapidly, but for some reason its side pressure did 
continue to transfer, although in me already file was it can be it could not 
attain from me the confirmed packet or Gluck simply? To author: Monitor by 
packet certainly rough... It would like this plan:

And still: is it possible to make a transfer of "broadcasting" packet, well 
for the lighthouse in order not to loom by call, but as polozhenno 
lighthouse. But that was as follows:
Was under the call sign TEST and gave "infinite" Connect to WORLD. But if 
several WORLD- OV are at the frequency - the same porridge will come out. Is 
necessary some broadcasting packet so that let us say would be:

The "lighthouse Of vasi Of pupkina" But already if someone it hears and will 
want it will be connected to WASIA, will make this, but necessarily still so 
that if occurs connect, then this lighthouse turn off by automaton. What you 
will invent in regard to this?

4 at the end its call sign clogged -
... Like it works, but it is certainly necessary still to work with the 
protocol... 4 thus he understood that it transfers immediately on many 
packets one time. But passage in ether such, what synchronization is torn 
away frequently - in I be empty "is blown" on the minute and more... It is 
good, if program itself is regulate the quantity of personnel for one 
packet, depending on the condition of passage. Speed in essence was 500, 
sometimes 1000 and once saw 2000, but not for long. I think, it is 
worthwhile to still introduce initial soon into 200 or 300, and a dynamic 
change in the quantity of frames to the packet - is very desirable. And even 
on request Andy - make in the beginning of each transfer a rather short 
"preamble" in the form of average tone, let us say 200-2shch0msek - it will 
be useful for the simpler visual tuning and so that would manage in the 
transceivers to work out switching completely + ARU on the receiving side 
(if it slow). Thus far everything. We await new versions;)

 I above support all that described! As it is correct to advance level on 
the method. Where this strip after which is further not- not? It would be 
possible to add check-out ravine from the work of progi. What the developer 
saw as and under what conditions will be tested proga. We it threw down into 
the money box or where to nibut' still. Successes! Dmitry_
 Entire TREMENDOUS thanks;) ! To all questions it listened, I will think. 
Not some to otvechu only are later. I will soon lay out version with the 
anticipating tone. Dmitry_.

oct 2006 Date: 19 noys 2006 08:06:27 # Added tone in the beginning of each 
block - pure by the bearing length of 0,3 s. Furthermore, there was 
pererabotan sonic "cursor" - to happiness to the owners of cards with a 
maximum frequency of 44100 (see laying Preferences- Hardware) to take here - 
http://slil.ru/23429398 Dmitry_.
# Now some explanations on some questions:) 1. Monitor by packet certainly 
rough... It would like this plan:

 It came out so that not in all packets are transferred the numbers of 
subscribers. It is concrete, only in the demands to konnekt and in some 
potdverzhdeniyakh. But in essence numbers are not transferred for the 
savings of capacity. Therefore if two associate in the regime of chat room, 
then to the third observer it will not come out to see, who stirs with whom, 
this simply already is not in ether. So that here two outputs: either to 
place additional logic and to memorize the names of subscribers from the 
otmonitorennykh packets of konnekta or to change the size of packets (that 
is worse, since the loss of reverse compatability and capacity). By the way, 
into the buffer of exchange communications from the monitor of packets are 
copied, simply this there is no in pop-up menu, but hot key- that work..
. 2. I still: is it possible to make a transfer of "broadcasting" packet, 
well for the lighthouse in order not to loom by call, but as polozhenno 
lighthouse. But that was as follows: Rulez Reloaded Was under the call sign 
TEST and gave "infinite" Connect to WORLD. But if several WORLD- OV are at 
the frequency - the same porridge will come out. Is necessary some 
broadcasting packet so that let us say would be: WASIA ALL: The "lighthouse 
Of vasi Of pupkina" But already if someone it hears and will want it will be 
connected to WASIA, will make this, but necessarily still so that if occurs 
connect, then this lighthouse turn off by automaton. This in principle is 
realized without the problems, it is only necessary to think over well. But 
it is later, and that now again from Monday to the week into the mission to 
ukachu: ( 3. 4 thus he understood that it transfers immediately on many 
packets one time. But passage in ether such, what synchronization is torn 
away frequently - in I be empty "is blown" on the minute and more...
 It is good, if program itself is regulate the quantity of personnel for one 
packet, depending on the condition of passage. Speed in essence was 500, 
sometimes 1000 and once saw 2000, but not for long. I think, it is 
worthwhile to still introduce initial soon into 200 or 300, and a dynamic 
change in the quantity of frames to the packet - is very desirable. This is 
already a little more complicated, so immediately you will not make - there 
are some problems: ( Modulator- that to the low speeds has long ago been 
made, but is here correct all this to connect, on top of that, also, in the 
automaton... I will think. 4. I even on request Andy - make in the beginning 
of each transfer a rather short "preamble" in the form of average tone, let 
us say 200-2shch0msek - it will be useful for the simpler visual tuning and 
so that would manage in the transceivers to work out switching completely + 
ARU on the receiving side (if it slow). Well, this it already added;) 5. as 
it is correct to advance level on the method. Where this strip after which 
is further not- not? In general, there was the thought to place level 
indicator, but associate it dissuaded - type, "it was plain", it disrupts 
the integrity of design. But I still will think and after all to vpendyuryu 
of its kudy-nibud' into the window "Tuning...";)! But thus far it is 
possible to be oriented only according to the phase diagram, although, as I 
understood, with this quality of signal there horseradish you 
pooriyentiruyesh'sya;) 6. it would be possible to add check-out ravine from 
the work of progi. What the developer saw as and under what conditions will 
be tested proga. We it threw down into the money box or where to nibut' 
still. This thought is good, I will think, as to tighten... Well, like 
everything, buzz is bey to the following round;) Dmitry_
. here something did not understand with the transfer of communications and 
was file. It is not possible whether to there somehow illuminate the text, 
which leaves (for example, a symbol by symbol change in the color of 
background under the text). And there can be even somehow additionally it 
will designate the text, which was assuredly obtained (i.e. from the 
opponent obtained confirmation). The same with the files. Below there is 
some status- indicator, but thus far I sent file, it was always 0%. File 
Zmej was already obtained, but in me was always zero, and program made 3 
additional attempts at the transfer of file, and it was going to make also, 
but 4 it interrupted. Specifically, this case described Zmej: On the whole, 
they tried with Rulez Reloaded to work, audibly it is unimportant it in me, 
not all immediately passed packets. It to me did flood even faylik of 442 
bytes with length, it did start sufficiently rapidly, but for some reason 
its side pressure did continue to transfer, although in me already file was 
it can be it could not attain from me the confirmed packet or Gluck simply? 
Program makes something, but which - is not very understandable. It does 
live its life, something does transfer (chat room from the buffer? what 
precisely communication, if them several? what already "uletetelo" into 
ether? for what still it does be in prospect? and so forth). On the whole, 
is somehow opaque now everything occurs. It would be add rather well 
transparency in this process. Problem, I think on 100% channels, so sharply 
it does not stand, but on KV with the unstable channel, subscriber can 
obtain communications with the large delay. Yesterday with the tests, short 
communications in the chat room along the radio were passed with the delays 
somewhere to the region of half of minute in comparison with ICQ;) Dmitry_
(19 noys 2006 16:00:06) # Rulez Reloaded It is not possible whether to there 
somehow illuminate the text, which leaves (for example, a symbol by symbol 
change in the color of background under the text). And there can be even 
somehow additionally it will designate the text, which was assuredly 
obtained (i.e. from the opponent obtained confirmation). Here pipe, chat- 
packets leave and start generally without any confirmation. 4 did not 
consider it this regime important, here it did not begin to add to it arq. 
I, probably, I will not add;) But here with the designation of that, such as 
text was already sent, but which still is not - thought efficient, it is 
worthwhile to think... The same with the files. Below there is some status- 
indicator, but thus far I sent file, it was always 0%. File Zmej was already 
obtained, but in me was always zero, and program made 3 additional attempts 
at the transfer of file, and it was going to make also, but 4 it 
interrupted. But here here, it is similar, transmitting could not obtain 
confirmation to the fact that it transmitted. If confirmation would arrive, 
everything would be OK - and indicator, and itself would stop. But so it 
will make with 5 (or 10:) attempts, and only then it will stop. Program 
makes something, but which - is not very understandable. It does live its 
life, something does transfer (chat room from the buffer? what precisely 
communication, if them several? what already "uletetelo" into ether? for 
what still it does be in prospect? and so forth). Generally, in the chat 
room- regime constantly it occurs peredacha/priyem of chat room- packets (if 
there is no text, it transfers empty chat room- packets), and information 
about the state of channel. In the regime of transfer it is file, 
correspondingly, it transfers files, and, with the smaller priority, chat 
room- packets (if there is, and on 1 at once). On the whole, is somehow 
opaque now everything occurs. It would be add rather well transparency in 
this process. Yes 4 and same this wanted;) Problem, I think on 100% 
channels, so sharply it does not stand, but on KV with the unstable channel, 
subscriber can obtain communications with the large delay. Yesterday with 
the tests, short communications in the chat room along the radio were passed 
with the delays somewhere to the region of half of minute in comparison with 
ICQ;) Generally, in the chat room- regime delay must not exceed 15 seconds, 
in the regime of transfer it is file - delay to the chat room on the average 
1 minute;) P.S. A to understand entire logic is sufficiently simple, if we 
connect 2 modems directly, without ether...;) RN3ZF Participant from 
sounding boards 2004 Date: 19 noys 2006 20:34:03 # 4 again to the call of 
all by its number - RN3ZF. left to 3,589,000 lSB.Tam purely. Come all who it 
can pliz. Zmej Participant from sounding boards 2005 Date: 19 noys of 2006 
21:24:41 # Dmitry_.D2D Yes, the level indicator of sound must be introduced 
also, since not not entirely understandably much or is small, it attempted 
on the motion to regulate, but to note uluchsheniya/ukhuchsheniya it did not 
come out - simply no than to look... Think if you please about a dynamic 
change in the quantity of the transferred packets for one transfer, this is 
very urgent thing for KV, passage changes constantly, crawl out 
interferences, cracks... Often, according to my observations, it was so that 
in the beginning of transfer went interference or deep signal fading, and 
program did not take the synchronization (4 so I understand) and it then 
already nothing assumed, although the transmitting part still "dudela and 
dudela" of features knows how much... Another question concerning the "phase 
meter" or as it correctly is called, I/Q to the indicator: when dispatch 
data, then on it it did burn two snowflakes on the vertical line, but for 
some reason lower is more dimly always, but if generally there are no on it 
points, does mean program it were not synchronized to the signal, it is 
correct? But for some reason still there are such situation, whens it simply 
chaotic points vysvenchivayet, which this does mean? Comment if you 
please... Ra1amw Participant from fewas 2004 Date: 19 noys 2006 22:10:46 # 
To monitoryu to 3.589 

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