
Your exchange format sounds great - and easy to score just by examing the

As for mode, do you take the stance of using the mode that everyone is
farmiliar with and has software for - which is rtty or psk31 - or do we go
for the slowest, most FEC, most DXish mode? I think that going one way or
the other would be good, and would result in the greatest number of
contacts. We just have to ensure that if we go the slow/fec route that
software is available for the majority of users.

I personally can't operate my station for long periods of time as I have
work and family committments. But I normally can get in a few hours each
evening after about 20:00 local. I normally miss 20m by then and end up on
40m in the VK digital allocation of 7030 - 7040, normally at 7035 USB
indicated on the radio. 40m is good here in the evenings as I can catch the
grey line to the US. What bands do you propose - it would be good if we had
some defined dial frequencies?

73 de Brett VK2TMG

On 11/25/06, Andrew O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Any interest in a digital contest held on New Year's Day? Here's the

Stations work as many other stations as possible.

Exchange is your LOCAL TIME , local date. and name of your local
time zone.

Points 10 points for any QSO ivolving two years (one station is in
2006 and the otehr station is in 2007, local date).

2 points per QSO between stations in the same year.

For a QSO to be valid , the local date must be either 31/12/06 or

Modes: PSK63, MFSK16, Olivia, Domino Ex. Or maybe just one mode?

Please takes the above idea and critique it, input welcome. Will
refine after feedback is received

Andy K3UK.

Brett Rees VK2TMG

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