Tony, most interesting information. Many thanks for posting. Please email me offline about your testing. I would be most interested in participating if possible.

73... Jon W1MNK


>I have no idea about DSTAR, but did do some path simulator testing with WinDRM and the latest variants as well as the AOR fast modem. Nothing serious, just some informal testing from >PC-to-PC.

>The modes were tested for sensitivity and the ability to fight ionospheric distortion. Some QRM tests were also done by mixing on-air QRM with the digtial voice signals. >They all sound great and work well with a clear channel and high signal-to-noise ratio, but the better mode shows itself when the going gets rough.

>It would seem that the latest WinDRM variant offers the the best compromise between audio quality and robustness. We are still beta testing the mode with on air testing when we can.

>Tony KT2Q

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