Having just finished experimenting with a dual-boot system, I would like to add my two cents worth.

In my humble opinion, and if all things were equal, I would choose LINUX as my OS over Windows in a second. As far as using it for all else than ham radio, it is superb in most ways. While it does have a pretty steep learning curve, anyone who was used to the old DOS way of doing things can pick it up pretty quickly.

But all things are _not_ equal. While there is certainly some excellent amateur radio software for LINUX, and more coming out all the time, there simply isn't the wealth of development going into that area to produce programs that are truly competitive with what exists for Windows. Add that to the problem of compiling the programs and finding the necessary parts for assembling them, it is too early in the lifespan of the OS to expect that level of competition.

I found that LINUX folks are amazing in their willingness to help a neophyte learn the ropes of the system, and some of the amateur software will be absolutely amazing given time. But, for me at least, that time isn't now. When it is, I'll be the first to recant my association with "Windoze" and jump on the LINUX bandwagon! I hope that day is sooner rather than later!


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