Ive had good luck with psk-31 

--- Bill McLaughlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello Brett,
> Not sure there is a "best" mode....all are
> trade-offs to some degree 
> in terms of
> speed/bandwidth/sensitivity/robustness/other-stuff. 
> Suspect if there was one best mode we would all use
> it....The variety 
> of modes is part of the appeal; you want psk31 but
> also FEC? Use 
> psk31F (for example). "verified delivery" - well
> then an ARQ 
> mode such as Amtor/Pactor/PAX/PAX2/AX.25 and
> others....more 
> sensitivity? 
> Try WSJT JT65, about the best I know of
> offhand....speed? PSK220/220F 
> burns along if you have a good path......Chip and
> MT63 seem very 
> robust but, like the rest, at a price. Tuning
> tolerance? DominoEX 
> seems to only care if you take a stab in the dark at
> the correct 
> frequency.....Would consider few other than
> SlowFeldXPas for aircraft 
> reflection work on VHF...very short signal bursts?
> Try JT6M 0r 
> FSK441; heck, I even use CW sometimes :) 
> Not trying to be flip and know I included modes
> outside your question 
> about "weak signal HF" modes, but I think it pays to
> be flexible in 
> terms of mode, conditions, band, and desires. Best
> advice I can give 
> is to try them all and see what you like and what
> suits your 
> operation conditions and style.
> Be well, 73
> Bill,  N9DSJ
> --- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Brett Owen
> Rees VK2TMG " 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > All,
> > 
> > I find that I normally use PSK31 - as that is what
> most other 
> stations use
> > and is popular. But, I see a lot of stations that
> I cannot work - 
> yet I can
> > see their trace on the waterfall. Often, they are
> responding to my 
> CQ and
> > they just don't make it. Why do people respond to
> a 2 * 3 call with 
> a 1*1 or
> > 1*2 call? There seems to be a strategy for psk31
> mode that involves 
> sending
> > information multiple times - like a poor man's
> FEC. I expect that 
> is why
> > they know who I am - from listening to my 2 * 3
> call.
> > 
> > The thing is - is there a mode that if I can see
> them on the 
> waterfall then
> > I can work them? I see no reason why we can't just
> go 
> narrower/slower/more
> > FEC and go right down into the noise. And why not
> have it be 
> adaptive - and
> > be able to become faster and wider if conditions
> are good - and 
> even have a
> > feature of being able to set a max bandwidth for
> those who may be
> > constrained or for where a number of stations are
> sharing a 2.4KHz 
> segment?
> > 
> > Things I like about PSK31:
> > - easy to tune with start bars, idle bars and
> ending tail (sorry, 
> my naming
> > scheme here)
> > - narrow bandwidth
> > - popular
> > 
> > Things I dislike:
> > - lack of RX sensitivity at times
> > -  errors at low SN
> > 
> > Features that would be nice:
> > - reliable, verified delivery
> > - ability to use as part of a 'stack' so as to use
> for APRS or 
> TCP/IP or
> > file transfer or ALE or sounding or whatever
> > - easy tuning
> > - highly adaptive under trying conditions
> > - be basis of keyboard mode DX mode
> > - Open Source
> > 
> > Please - I would like your opinions on this.
> Perhaps one of the 
> current
> > modes could be adapted - or am I trying to
> re-invent the wheel? 
> What is the
> > best that is out there currently and can we make
> use of it? In an 
> ideal
> > world what would be the theoretical best that we
> could aim for? I 
> understand
> > that with Turbo codes that it is possible to come
> very close to 
> theoretical
> > limits - are amateur protocols using such
> techniques? Having done 
> some
> > reading about DominoEX there appears to be various
> workarounds 
> which may be
> > required in order to make a mode practical - like
> being able to 
> work around
> > a carrier on the frequency.
> > 
> > 73 de Brett VK2TMG
> > 
> > -- 
> > ===============
> > Brett Rees VK2TMG
> > http://lisp.homeunix.net
> >

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