>It always amuses me that somehow it is ok to hunt for 5 hours for a windows 
>driver that only works half right but it's not ok to have to >spend 10 minutes 
>looking at a *nix log and changing a config file, goofy. The problem isn't 
>that Linux is hard to use it is that people have 
>significant "mindshare" built up in becomeing windows experts and are 
>unwilling to go through the process again for Linux.
First I am not a big fan of Windows and especially Billy Gates who steals 
everybody's ideas because he has the money and can. He just pays the antitrust 
fines or whatever meantime the poor bloke that came up with the idea/software 
goes in the poor house. Short version!

But I never had to spent 5 hours looking for a windows driver but I have spent 
days trying to get a new version of a Linux program to work because of one 
missing dependency outta a dozen you need to install. I've spent 10 times as 
much time learning Linux with a fraction of the success as I have Windows. And 
if you go to a Linux forum and ask a question all you get is RTFM, doesn't 
matter that I have read a dozen of them or that yes I do have the answer in one 
of my MANY Linux books but really don't want to spend days figuring out which 
book it is in when some Linux guru could tell me in 39 seconds where I went 

I'll stick to Windows since it works 99% of the time with a 1000% less hassle.

I don't want to be a Windows or a Linux guru I just want an OS that works with 
as little hassle as possible. A system that'll let me install the software I 
want without spending days chasing a rare dependency.

Later Brad

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