There are other digital automatic users besides the email Winlink 2K systems you cite. The National Traffic System (certainly a part of ham radio, and has been around for over 50 years) uses the automatic section of 80 meters for passing traffic thru the NTS Digital system. The FCC new rule would prohibit this operation on 80 meters.

Eastern Area Digital Coordinator NTSD

kd4e wrote:

Must we wait for the FCC to request comments on the ARRL
request or should we post our opposition immediately?

Sure do not understand why a neo-commercial digital
app (all automatic and most semi-automatic unattended
digital modes) cannot find a more appropriate home on
non-Ham spectrum.

Surely between marine and homeland security spectrum
there are places for that stuff, since much of it is
marine communications and the justification for the
rest has been mostly for homeland security apps.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the
water ...

Sigh ... doc

> "Rather, we ask only that the Commission restore the privileges
> unintentionally withdrawn from those who operate and who utilize
> automatically controlled narrowband digital stations between 3620 and
> 3635 kHz," the League said. The ARRL pointed out that while the R&O
> left unchanged rules permitting automatically controlled narrowband
> digital in that segment, it eliminated RTTY and data as permitted
> emissions above 3600 kHz.
> <end quote>
> This confirms the conclusion that the FCC's Omnibus Report and Order
> in its present form would eliminate automatic and semi-automatic
> operation on 80m.
> It will be interesting to see how rapidly the FCC responds to the
> ARRL's late-in-the-game petition.
> 73, Dave, AA6YQ


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
... in sunny & warm Florida :-)
Thank our brave soldiers this season: <>
URL: bibleseven (dot) com

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