
I think you have to compare the previous privileges to the current 
privileges. Under the new rules General, Advanced and Extra hams lose 
150 KHz  for Data/RTTY from 3600 to 3750 and is a big impact although 
most data/RTTY did not go much above say, 3650?

But it is a huge impact on the CW nets because only the Extra class have 
the space immediately above 3600 for CW/Voice/image. That means few CW 
nets will operate there, if any, since most CW nets include most classes 
of operators.

Under the old rules, Generals could never operate 3750 to 3850 with any 
mode. Now under the new rules they can not operate from 3600 to 3800. So 
they lose 150 KHz of CW privileges from 3600 to 3750, but they do gain 
50 KHz of voice/image from 3800 to 3850.

Advanced class could never operate 3750 to 3775 under the old rules. 
Under the new rules they lose 100 KHz of CW privileges from 3600 to 
3700, but they do gain 75 KHz voice/image from 3700 to 3775 and that 
includes that 25 KHz that they could not operate before with any mode.

Since there are no new Advanced class operators coming on line, and 
there are fewer of them as time progresses, we may see an even greater 
number of Advanced upgrade to Extra. Compared to the past when we had to 
go to an FCC examining station, and for some such as myself, this was 
very expensive, today all you have to do is take a moderately difficult 
test, but all the questions and answers in the pool are already known in 
advance, unlike in the past. And there is no longer a 20 wpm code test 
either. So upgrading from Advanced to Extra is relatively easy today and 
new Extra privileges seem pretty worthwhile now.


Rick, KV9U

Bert Morton wrote:

>General Class ops have lost all privileges from 3600 to 3800.
>Advanced Class ops have lost all privileges from 3700 to 3800.
>Thus the reason for CW nets having to move below 3600.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Andrew J. O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 7:08 PM
>Subject: [digitalradio] 15 dec summary ?
>Thanks for reminded us Rick.  With all that has been written, I have 
>forgotten what is new.  Would the following rough summary be close?
>Some parts of  the 40 and 80M phone privileges have been extended in to the 
>former CW or digital portions.?
>CW operators have lost nothing, just have to share more ?
>Digital modes, other than automated stations , remain mostly unaffected 
>except for the ability to send some images within MFSK16 ?
>SSTV folks have to remain in the "phone" portion of the bands since those 
>signals contain "images" and  are wider than 500 Hz
>CW net folks maybe miffed and feel the need to move but they don;t have to 
>if they don't mind having SSB signals as neighbours ?
>What else did I miss ?

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