
Without question, the Technician license is going to have the same 
privileges as the Tech +.  The CW segment is not small. It is the same 
segment that the General and Advanced Class operators have. The Extra 
too, except they have 25 more KHz at the bottom. This means that all 
classes of operators will be able to work CW in the same area instead of 
being segregated as it once was where the higher classes could move to 
the "Novice" area, but the Novices could not operate in the main CW area.


Rick, KV9U

Leslie Elliott wrote:

>I'm pretty sure that anyone who is a technician class, such as myself,
>will still have to take the written test, element 3 or 4 depending on
>whether we want General or Extra license, in order to operate on HF
>Voice.  Even those that are Tech + would have to take element 3 to
>operate voice on HF except for the small segment already available to
>Tech + on 10 M and the small CW only segments on 15 M, 40 M & 80 M.  I
>read that they are going to combine Tech and Tech + now, and while I
>may be wrong,I guess that means that a Tech could operate on HF CW
>where the Tech + were allowed.  Of corse, that is a moot point, as
>most Tech's don't know Morse anyway Hi Hi!  Either way, I'm sure that
>they/we will have to wait till published etc.  I hope those in the
>group that were opposed to the elimination of Morse will not hold it
>against those of us that will benefit from this.  I for one love Ham
>Radio, and just wasn't interested in CW, but was going to learn it
>anyway because it was looking like this rule change was not coming
>soon enough.  I may still learn it someday, but for now, I am mainly
>interested in the "other" digital modes like PSK etc.
>73 de KCØPTO  

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