Hi John

After a direct mail with nonsense from some of you, my spam filter takes 
care of the most prominent "wanna be" lawyers on this  group. They never 
reached my mail box.

73 de LA5VNA Steinar

non the mail server

John Champa wrote:
 > Steinar,
 > I think US hams are simply reading far too much into their regulations.
 > They tend to do that because we are over exposed: We have too
 > many under-employed lawyers in the US, and way too many wanna bes.
 > In the Army we called these amateur lawyers, barracks lawyers (HI).
 > As a result they often over interpret fuzzy parts of regulations.
 > And, they also over emphasize apparently clear parts of the same regs.
 > Unfortunately, in this process, they often error on the excessively
 > conservative side of the interpretation, thus frequently cutting their
 > own radio experimental throats in the process.
 > Always, when you talk with a FCC government official off-the-record
 > and over a beer or at dinner, it is obvious to see that as long as nobody
 > complains, they could not care less. This is especially true regarding
 > Amateur Radio. However, most Hams are unable to see the light,
 > thus the "strange" interpretations you will hear from US Hams.
 > Vy 73,
 > John
 > K8OCL
 > ----Original Message Follows----
 > From: Steinar Aanesland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > Reply-To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
 > To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
 > Subject: [digitalradio] Transmitting digital pictures on 14.240 MHz
 > Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006 16:37:12 +0100
 > Hi my American HAM friends,
 > If I have understood this right , this FCC rules of yours make it
 > impossibility for you to use rfsm2400 as a "keyboard to Keyboard mode".
 > But you can use it for transmitting digital pictures on 14.240 MHz. It
 > seems a little bit strange to me , but anyway ; let's try to exchange
 > some pictures. I have tried this with a few european friends and it
 > works great.
 > I am qrv on 14.240 MHz from 17.30 utc until midnight local time.
 > 73 de LA5VNA Steinar
 > http://rfsm2400.aanesland.com

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