At 1442Z I was calling on Olivia 8-500 with RS ID TX and RX. I did not 
hear 7L4IOU, but did have Bernie, VE3FWF from Ottawa call me on 16-500 
and then also heard K1PGV who I called after getting done with Bernie, 
but no luck on getting him to respond back to me.

I then called some CQ's in 16-500 and 8-500 with my RS ID turned on, but 
no luck there either. I had a Pactor 3 station come up and wipe out the 
entire waterfall. This is one of the problems with using the 10140 to 
10150 automatic area. You have to expect automatic stations that do not 
actually operate legally and will transmit on a busy frequency. And 
unless you copy their initial transmissions to connect via pactor 1, 
which is nearly impossible since you  have to be tuned in on their 
frequency, you can not determine who the offending stations are. This 
really is becoming more and more unacceptable to me considering that 
excellent software has been developed that completely solves this 
problem and should be required to operate with good radio amateur 
practices on our frequencies.

Then I heard K5LJ with a PSK31 signal down only a few 100 Hz from the 
edge of my Olivia signal and called him back but he did not return the 
call and he only called CQ a couple of times.

May I suggest that you need to call many, many, many times on digital 
modes. I would recommend at least 10 different times in order for the 
other station to find you and switch to the right mode. I have had it 
happen a number of times where I might be tuning around and hear the 
station calling and by the time I get ready to send, that station has 
given up. With CW and voice it is much easier to respond quickly 
compared to digital modes since you know what mode to respond with and 
have instant ability to do so.

Bernie wants to try PC-ALE, so I plan to download the latest version and 
see if I can then make it work with my CI-V control for my ICOM rig. I 
have not been able to do that with previous versions.


Rick, KV9U

7L4IOU wrote:

>Hi Rick and All
>I will QRV (with RSID) from 1300 to 1500z (ur sunrise) on 10,142kHz
>73 CUL Hisami 7L4IOU

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