By storing its settings in the Windows Registry's HKEY_CURRENT_USER  
section, an application provides each Windows user on the same PC 
with his or her own independent set of settings. When a user logs 
into Windows, HKEY_CURRENT_USER is automatically populated with that 
user's settings.

Users are generally much more reticent to modify registry settings 
than the contents of a .ini file. An application that reads settings 
from a .ini file must be written to gracefully handle anything it 
encounters without crashing, hanging, or displaying a window 
saying "Run-time error '13': Type mismatch".

To facilitate component-based development, Windows provides dynamic 
link libraries (DLL files). For example, PSKCORE -- the engine used 
by many digital mode applications to modulate and demodulate PSK-31 
and PSK63 -- is packaged as a DLL. In general, applications must 
register the DLLs they use with Windows, which modifies the Windows 
Registry. The benefits of component-based development are summarized 


        Dave, AA6YQ

--- In, KV9U <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1.This is a bit off topic, but I have often wondered why some 
> programs require Windows Registries and some work completely 
> this. What causes a software author to cross the line that requires 
> those registry entries and all the complications that go with it?
> 2. USB pens can be a lifesaver. A year ago we needed a particular 
> software program to run for Field Day and although I had the 
program on 
> my computer, we needed to put it on some other ones and of course 
> more floppy drives. USB pen to the rescue. Had never used one 
> 3. Speaking of OS and USB pens, this may be one of those times to 
> consider using one of the Linux distributions that has been 
> designed for this kind of media. The amateur radio software 
quantity and 
> quality seems to finally be getting better on Linux although it 
> has a long way to catch up to MS OS software.
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U
> Dave Bernstein wrote:
> >Bob did not suggest a docking station, Sal, he suggested a second 
> >hard drive. I have used his recommended solution with my IBM T42P 
> >laptop, and it works extremely well; one can swap "identities" in 
> >time required to terminate Windows and reboot; the physical drive 
> >swap takes a few seconds.
> >
> >With respect to your claim that "The USB PEN drive will work on 
> >almost every computer provided that the programs were correctly 
> >installed", I suggest that you (carefully) open the Windows 
> >editor and examine the Software sections of HKCU and HKLM -- 
> >find that DX Atlas, DXLab, Ham Radio Deluxe, LotW, and QRZ all 
> >maintain settings there. Other popular digital mode applications 
> >as well -- I don't have Digipan, MixW, or MultiPSK currently 
> >installed on this PC, and my examination was cursory. There is no 
> >to "properly install" any of DX Atlas, DXLab, Ham Radio Deluxe, 
> >or the QRZ CDROM callbook in a way that makes them pen-drive 
> >
> >There are web pages that list pen-drive portable applications, e.g.
> >
> >
> >
> >and
> >
> >
> >
> >but I've found no mention of digital mode amateur radio 
> >so far. Establishing such a list would be helpful, but I suggest 
> >an application only be added after
> >
> >1. its author asserts that the application is pen-drive portable
> >
> >2. someone actually tests the application in a pen-drive portable 
> >configuration
> >
> >It would also be useful to compare performance in a pen-drive 
> >configuration vs. a hard-drive configuration.
> >
> >     73,
> >
> >         Dave, AA6YQ
> >  
> >

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