My experience in running digital (since 2002) is that RF can creep into the 
computer and that can cause some nasty issues. I finally fixed my problem by 
purchasing a properly shielded computer (a older Dell GX1). I use a home brew 
OPTO isolated interface from the computer to the PTT of the radio; very easy to 
make. Many computers today, especially clones, are not RF tight. There is some 
conductive paint that you can apply inside the plastic covers.  If you are 
hearing RF trash from your computer on your receiver you can be pretty sure it 
may be susceptible to interference as well.  Getting rid of the CRT monitor 
also helped eliminate any RFI from the computer.

Try some ferrite beads on the audio lines and the mic input; that might do the 
trick but I suggest the 1:1 transformer is the best bet.

73, Bernie, Ottawa, Canada

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dan Reed 
  To: ; 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 11:11 AM
  Subject: Re: [digitalradio] New to PSK31 - advice please ??

  Radio Shack some times ha isolation transformers

    -----Original Message----- 
    From: adrianrav4 
    Sent: Jan 2, 2007 4:10 PM 
    Subject: [digitalradio] New to PSK31 - advice please ?? 

    Hi All
    Having just moved house (& country!), and set up the HF radio gear for
    the first time in quite a few years - I'm having a dabble with PSK31.

    I suspect that I'm having problems with poor isolation between the
    radio and the PC - at the moment the 'quickly knocked-up' interface is
    'direct' - no opto or transformer isolation. 
    I can read the PSK31 quite nicely (using DigiPan) - and load up the TX
    on low power (10W) - but higher TX power seems to generate odd squeaks
    and general instability....
    ...also - I have yet to get a reply from any other station on PSK -
    which makes me wonder if my signal's getting distorted past the point
    of readability ?

    Does anybody have a source for 1:1 audio isolation transformers ? I
    can't seem to find them from the usual suspects (ebay, CPC...?) -
    would need to be an organisation that ships to Ireland.....

    Many thanks in advance
    Adrian - EI5JV


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