Hello Andrew,

This happens during most every "contest"....I used to work contests 
alot when I was younger and had more stamina....understand the 
frustrations of many as some contest ops seem to not care about 
anything other than points. "Gentleman's" agreements seem to be 
predicated on people acting gentlemanly; alas such is oft not the 
case. It is no different than during other contests....try carrying 
out a qso on 2 or 6 meters within arm's reach of a "calling" freq 
during a major VHF contest. Actually I listened quite abit and saw 
RTTY sigs right on the 40 and 20 meter psk/digi calling freqs but 
this was a contest where psk contacts "counted", I believe. Have no 
problem with contest stations calling - I do have issues with anyone 
jumping on top of a frequency that is in use (not limited to contest 
stations). This was compounded last night (and in future nights) by 
the limited band space on 75 meters for digital ops. One other 
consideration; some contest stations/ops rarely if ever frequent the 
digital mode sub-bands when a contest is not in progress..they only 
operate during contests -- the more subtle issues of 
any "gentleman's" agreements are either lost on them or they do not 
care...I guess overall it means we have to adjust to contesters or 
protest by means available.
Was alot easier when contests were fewer and far 
between...think one reason I do not work most contests anymore is 
that there are simply too many of them....when it was a contest every 
few months it was interesting; when it became a contest every weekend 
it became a pain.


Bill N9DSJ

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I worked the contest from Europe and in general the PSK frequencies 
> on 40m and 20m were left alone by the contesters.  I agree it is 
> annoying sometimes if u dont want to work the contest and I am 
> in this situation.
> Same thing often happens on SSB contests.
> Often the same happens with SSB on SSTV frequencies.
> Unfortunately its a fact of l;ife and we need to learn to deal with 
> it and gently educate those who break the gentlemans agreemnts and 
> iform people as some may not be aware.
> Andy
> --- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Rick Scott <w7psk@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Im going to post a HALL OF SHAME of these ops.
> > 
> > 
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