PSKMail is reaching many of the LinLink goals.

The LinLink project is intended to provide a strategy for fielding long range 
data communications systems in times of emergency. 

It is an effort to provide better services than the use of proprietary, closed 
system such as WinLink2000 with Pactor and the like.   

The idea is NOT to create a WinLink look alike, but an alternative solution(s) 
to the same basic requirements of sending and receiving digital messages or 
E-Mail on HF using only a computer's soundcard as the modem with open source 
software...Interfacing with the Internet and/or other HF stations to 
relay/forward messages and E-Mail to the intended recipient be they connected 
to the Internet of on HF.

A total messaging/E-Mail system that additionally would need a broadcast mode 
(QST Mode) where robust, error free data may need to be sent to a number of 
stations at the same time.  Specifically referencing weather alerts and the 
like or where information needs to be sent to a large number of stations and 
individual responses are not required.  Again a QST type message.

Distances involved would start where ground waves end and sky waves begin and 
continue on from 30 km to 2,000 or 3,000 KM for NVIS paths primarily on 80 and 
40 meters and then on lower angle skywave paths on 30, 20 meters and above.

Have the ability to easily interface with existing TCP/IP systems is desirable.

Currently PSKMail meets many of the design criteria and is the system to watch 
evolve into a mature messaging/E-Mail system.

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