Unlike any of the other modes, it is a SKILL SET, and not just
> something from memory, or which can be picked up in a few minutes of
> operatin,such as PSK.
> the CW rule (way back in the mid 60s) it was ILLEGAL for any 
government to
> allow any ham who had not demonstrated their SKILL in CW (It did not 
> a code speed)was not to be allowed operations on the HF bands.  That 
was an
> international law and no government had the right to go against it in 
> own country whether they wanted to or not.  

CW is like learning a foreign language and not everyone can learn a 
different language, and if you can some are better then others at it. I 
memorized the different dots and dashes for the different letters when 
I learned CW and I know it was not the correct way to do it. As far as 
using CW to show a skill I disagree, because in the 60's in the old 
Novice days of 1yr or upgrade, I had hard enough time listening for my 
call let alone call it a skill, even though I passed the test.

I am tired of hearing all the crying and gashing of teeth about the 
downfall of Amateur Radio because of no more code. The same thing was 
said in the 50's about bringing in the Novice license, or the advent of 
Voice. I think that the requirement should have stayed for Extra Class, 
but the FCC decided that it isn't necessary anymore.
Now it is time to get over it, and move on. CW hasn't gone away, it is 
just not a requirement for HF. There are a lot of great CW group 
FIST/SKCC/NVARC that still promote CW. Show the no-codes that CW can be 
fun, just like the other modes.

As far as other countries and CW the international law stated CW was 
required for operation on 30mhz or below, anything about was left up to 
the country itself. The last WARC they decided that CW was no longer 
need as a requirement and left it up to the individual country to 

20wpm Extra.

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