Hi Peter,

I'm just west of Philadelphia and I had the same problem for a few 
months until I  discovered a number of noice sources within my QTH. I 
finally powered down the house except for my receiver and attached a dB 
meter to the audio output and set things up on an idle frequency so I 
was just reading idle noise.  Then, I powered up each circuit breaker 
one at a time watching to see if there were an increase in the 
readings. If a particular breaker had a noise generator on it's line, I 
could see an increase in dB reading. In the end,  I found that there 
were eight different sources of radio noise polution in my QTH ranging 
 from my router, printer, one computer, all TVs (one when turned off) 
and my DVR.  Now I can hear Asia Pacific along with the rest of the 
East Coast where they used to be down in the noise.

Hopefully, your problem is that simple to identify and correct.



-----Original Message-----
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 10:05 AM
Subject: [digitalradio] Working Asia from Eastern USA

Forgive a relative newbie if this is a dumb question:

My QTH is East Cost USA (about 50 miles north of Boston). I've been
working PSK31 (and other digital modes) a few hours a day for about 4
months now. I haven't once even HEARD a station in Asia or Oceania.

I've had pretty good luck into Europe, and I have QSOs as far south as
southern Africa (Namibia, Zambia, etc). And of course in good throughout
the US, into the caribbean, and down into central and (parts of) South

Am I simply listening at the wrong time, or in the wrong place to find
Asia/Oceania? Am I doing something else wrong? Or is my setup here
(TS-2K barefoot and a dipole at 60 feet) simply too humble to allow my
signal to make the 6700 mile journey from Boston to Tokyo?

I'd appreciate a little elmering from the list on this topic...


de Peter K1PGV

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